How To’s

Gold Medal equipment and supplies are designed to be user-friendly, making it easy, efficient, and cost-effective to implement at any location. From tips on perfecting delicious recipes to properly cleaning your equipment, you’ll find it here. Use our how-to’s and tutorials to improve your business.


Bacon Popcorn

Bacon Popcorn


Tumble on the bacon flavor with this easy recipe.


  • 5 gallons of popcorn popped in yellow coconut oil 
  • 1 cup of Flavor EZ #2393
  • 1/3 cup of Bacon Seasoning #2377
  • Bacon Bits or Pieces of Bacon (optional)


  • Turn on your #2703-00-000 Tumbler
  • Turn on tumbler heat switch 
  • Melt 1 cup of Flavor EZ into a glass measuring cup, stirring frequently until fully liquefied
    TIP: You can use the hot plate available on the 2703-00-00 for this.
  • Stop the tumbler and put in 5 gallons of popped popcorn
  • Turn the tumbler back on
  • Slowly pour all the liquefied Flavor EZ paste onto the popcorn
  • Let the popcorn tumble for 1 minute
  • Shake on the 1/3 cup of Bacon Savory Seasoning onto the popcorn
  • Let the popcorn tumble for 1 minute
  • Optional – add in bacon pieces and tumble a few more rotations
  • Turn off the tumbler and bag / store the popcorn