A Band Booster’s Story of Glaze Pop Success

When our customers come to us for fundraising ideas, we know they’re doing so because they’re passionate about a cause. Such is the case with band booster mom Cherie Haas, who heard of Gold Medal Glaze Pop® and wanted to try it out as a new twist to the traditional buttered popcorn sold at the band concession stand where she volunteers during football games.
“We already had most of the popcorn supplies on hand, so I contacted Gold Medal about how to use Glaze Pop®,” Cherie said. “I was actually a little nervous because at our stand, I had never even touched the popcorn machine, but I knew having colored and flavored popcorn would go over really well. Gold Medal walked me through the steps; it turned out to be so easy and the investment was smallcompared to what we can make in sales.
“I learned that we only needed to switch out our corn oil with coconut oil, which is white instead of yellow. This is because our school colors are purple and gold (we went with purple Glaze Pop®), and the yellow oil would’ve turned the purple popcorn brown. The oil came pre-measured, so all I had to do was open it and pour it into the kettle.
“On a night when I was already at the school for my son’s band practice, I went to the concession stand with some other volunteers so that we could prep it for the next night’s football game. I cooked up three batches of the purple popcorn, then we cleaned the machine by basically giving the kettle a steam bath with hot water. The Gold Medal team had let me know that it’s smart to clean it out after a few batches to keep any remaining sugar from burning, and so we didn’t have that issue at all. In fact, one of the other moms told me that the machine was actually easier to clean after using the coconut oil and Glaze Pop®, compared to corn oil and buttered popcorn.
“As I popped the batches, I put the popcorn into large, clear plastic bags so that our customers would see the purple right away. Then on the night of the game, we cooked up batches of traditional popcorn, so we had two options for the fans. We put the purple popcorn right on the counter so that everyone would see it when they came up, and it was great to see the excitement on their faces, since this was so new.
“To get the word out even more, I took small samples out to the crowd. This was a huge hit, especially with the pep team! And now that football season is over, we’re going to continue selling the Glaze Pop® popcorn at the basketball game concession stand, which is also a fundraiser for the band. Here, we’re going to experiment with the serving size. Instead of only selling it in large bags, we’ll prep it early and bag it up, and then divide some of it into single servings for a lower price-point.”
Cherie’s concession success story is one of many that we hear about when people use the gourmet popcorn supplies we have to offer. Glaze Pop®, which comes in a variety of colors and flavors, is an easy way to add punch to your popcorn.
If you’d like to make 70-80% profits, contact our concession specialists and we’ll show you how to get started. Call 800-543-0862 today!