
Engage the Senses, Engage the Wallet

Do you woo? Buying isn’t a knee-jerk reaction. We’re an information-saturated society and consumers have a wealth of options at their fingertips. You have mere seconds to convince and cajole today’s savvy shoppers into choosing your product or service before they move on to something else. Engaging the senses is the quickest way to returns, and cutting through the constant bombardment of noise and ads.

Smells trigger memories. They also will lure customers into your store, make their mouths water for increased profits, and inspire relaxed buying atmospheres. That’s why countless food service locations vent aromas, and companies will spend millions in market research to develop the right smell to pull you in. You can spend a lot less, and get the same allure, by making items fresh during high-traffic times.

Cotton Candy Spinner Head

We eat first with our eyes. Keep this in mind for everything from your logo to plating. Warm colors like reds inspire hunger and are ideal for interior designs or signs. Action draws crowds. Did you ever see the mesmerizing motion of a cotton candy machine? The light glistens on all the spinning soft, sugary goodness and you instantly crave that candy cloud. And bold colors attract attention. That’s why our eyes are instantly drawn to the shockingly bright syrup, as it splashes onto the barren white ice of a Sno-Kone®.

Tune them in. Popping corn is one of the most recognizable sounds in the world. It’s like sweet music to the cash register’s ears. Find the other sounds that will trigger stop-ins and second glances.

Get in touch with textures. There are numerous sense-appealing serving options. Seek out the best ways to boost buys and get noticed with a variety of consistencies, sizes, and materials.

Taste turns a sale into a repeat customer. Whether it’s simply sweet, jalapeño hot, or buttery rich, the flavors and high-quality ingredients must sing through in all your products.

Immersing customers in a total sensory experience is the best way to hook in new buyers, and create one-of-a-kind events that will keep them coming back for more. Fun foods make it easy to set the scene and tempt taste buds. Classic sights, smells, and tastes bring back cherished memories. Fresh, bold flavors and fares appeal to foodies and give your customers ways to form new memorable moments. So woo away. We’ll be here to help. Gold Medal has everything you need to turn straightforward sales into an unforgettable, crave-inducing and bring them back to the door experiences.


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ReadyPop® Cashless System

ReadyPop® Cashless System