Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Gold Medal Unveils New Look and Upgrades for Frozen Slush Machine
First, the appearance is attractive and engaging. The sleek and modern design is complete with colorful, eye-catching graphics, allowing it to complement any setting. The performance is equally as impressive with well-thought-out attributes:

- Fast-freeze compressor has a pressure switch, which allows for longer mechanical life.
- The improved rear seal lowers the risk of any leakage.
- Structurally, the new handle is designed for durability. Plus, the push or pull to vend design is of particular importance to equipment rental companies and traveling concession stands.
- New larger drip trays aid in keeping the surrounding surface clean.
- Clear lids come as the standard option and are practical for most operations.
- A model with lighted lids is available (Item #1114). Plus, a carrying tote (Item #6055B) can be purchased separately. (Photo displays both.)
- The machine is recommended for use with Frusheez® Mixes.
Gold Medal President, Adam Browning is confident the product launch will better serve multiple markets stating, “Frozen slushes are a popular treat for all ages! They fit well in a wide variety of settings from stadiums to bars and restaurants, convenience stores, movie theatres, universities and tourist attractions. Our new machine is designed to improve the overall user experience, while generating profit margins as high as 80%.”
For more details or to schedule a demonstration, please contact Gold Medal at 800-543-0862.